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Space Station (Station Series Book 2)
Space Station (Station Series Book 2) Read online
Copyright © 2017
By Martin M Schroth
Any resemblance to actual persons is purely accidental even though some may want to take credit, none is given except for my dog Zoe who is real.
I would like to thank my wife, Evelyn, for putting up with me. She is not a sci-fi fan and it was hard for her to read through the manuscript. This was the second book in the series and I believe she now actual has gotten into some of the characters. She persisted and was valuable in finding many errors because alas, I am error prone.
I would also like to thank my daughter, Jada, for editing and providing insight for my poor grammar as well as making suggestions for elaboration when things didn’t appear clear.
* - executive team
* Jake Weiss - Emperor of Bodhi and the Commonwealth
* Mac Brown - Head of Earth Station
* Maggie O’Reilly - Head of research at Earth Station
* Charles Smith - Personnel director of Bodhi
Nik Williams - Son of Mike Williams and SS1 Head of Aerospace Command
* Mike Williams - former CIA director – Head of SS1
Mabel - Mike Williams secretary
Richard Greenleaf - former financial expert for the CIA – financial director of Earth Station
Linda Greenleaf - wife of Richard Greenleaf
Sarah Williams - wife of Mike Williams and Head of Intelligence on SS1
Vlad Skrimov - Physicist
Marc Levi - Chemist
* Barry Walker - Construction manager
* John Fleming - lead engineer
* Paul Roberts - Director of all Space Commands both on earth and in space
Pat Conroy - Head of security and intelligence at ES
Heinrich Bauer - Bodhi Chief architect for space facilities
* Phil Long - Computer Ring director
ESSI - Earth Station Sentient Intelligence
Mason Baldwin - Political consultant for Bodhi
President Raul Diaz - President of Mexico
Jose Ramos - Lead elder of El Miguel
Mary Parker - Jake’s mother and Mac’s executive assistant
* Dr. Harry Clay - Head of medical facilities of Bodhi
Carlos Fernandez - 1st person whose brain is downloaded
Dr. Friedrich Skinner - Earth Station psychiatrist
Marcus Lowry - Head of Space Command at Earth Station (ESSC)
Harry Clay, Jr. - militia, expert marksman and weapons instructor, also Dr. Clay’s son. Named commander ON
Lars Pinkston - Head of BIS
Father Murry O’Neil - head of clergy at Bodhi
Rewa Ortega - Commander of Bodhi ground forces
Martin Bensen - First squad corporal, BIS – second in charge
*Walter Rice - Executive Committee representative to the Commonwealth Congress
Zach Rodriquez - First squad private, BIS and Paul Roberts executive assistant
Jada Walker - Barry’s daughter and Jake’s Executive assistant
Cristi Walker - Barry’s wife and the Commonwealth Congress leader
Isaac Conroy - Commander of HR 72 station, Pat Conroy’s brother
*Ping Chou - Executive Committee representative to the Commonwealth Congress
Cong Wang - Chinese premier
Barbara Greenleaf - Daughter of Richard and Linda,, also Maggie’s executive assistant
Carter Jones - Foreman of gravium mining on the moon
Plus, Inc. - parent company
ESSC - Earth Station Space Command
LEO - low earth orbit
MEO - medium earth orbit
HEO - high earth orbit
FTL - faster than light
AGP - Anti-gravity platform
EMS - Electro magnetic spectrum
BIS - Bodhi Investigative Service
UC - Universal Consciousness
AC - Aerospace Command
HUD - Heads up display
CC - Commonwealth Congress
ES - Earth Station
SS1 - Space Station (One)
MS - Moon Station
ON - Outpost Neptune
HR 72 - Alien star system whose inhabitants destroyed themselves. It contains 2 inhabited planets
HR 72-1 - Planet whose inhabitants are in a stone age
HR 72-2 - Second planet in HR 72 system whose inhabitants progress back to an early industrial age
BSF - Bodhi Space Force
LNA – Lunar Naval Academy
LNETC – Lunar Naval Enlisted Training Center
LNSY – Lunar Naval Ship Yard
Table of Contents
Jake is a multitrillionaire that didn’t like the way things were going on earth. With the help of several friends, he created Earth Station.
Earth Station is a community that encourages innovation by allowing its residence to reach their full potential without being hindered by government regulation and oversight.
Jake and his executive committee put together a team of scientists and professionals that soon created some amazing tech. FTL communicators, 3D food processors and anti-gravity technology that resulted in numerous advances in the sciences and space travel.
After Earth Station was completed, Jake and his committee created the country of Bodhi. Earth Station became its capital. The country was a constitutional monarchy with Jake named as the Emperor of Bodhi.
The corrupt government of the US eventually attacked Bodhi using the excuse that Bodhi kidnapped a valuable employee of a secret detention facility. The employee turned out to be Jakes mother who had been abducted and detained in this secret facility for thirty years. Her indoctrination was undone and she became a loyal citizen of Bodhi. When the US special ops forces attacked Bodhi, they were soundly defeated and all the corrupt leaders were rounded up and put in an orbital detention center.
Jake and his government, protected the US until it was able to elect new leaders and restore its military. He and his government were not interested in conquering others but allowing them to reach their full potential.
During the establishment of Bodhi on the world stage, they also built a space station that mirrored Earth Station. The space station was nearly 3 times larger in usable space than Earth Station. Mike Williams, the former CIA director and Bodhi’s trusted intelligence director, became the head of the space station. The space station was designated as SS1.
Early in the history of Earth Station, the ‘geeks’ in the computer ring created a sentient intelligence called ESSI. ESSI for all sense and purposes was a living being. She ran maintenance of Earth Station and SS1
as well as providing valuable input for all the operations that the personnel of Bodhi were involved in. ESSI became an invaluable member of the Bodhi team and was Jake’s primary confidant, advisor and friend.
The most incredible advance made by the Bodhi team was the ability to download a human mind into a computer matrix cube. Carlos Fernandez became the first human to be downloaded. He had a terminal illness which eventually killed him. When his corporeal body died, Carlos found that his soul followed him to his computer matrix. After much discussion and review by the scientific community and the clergy of Bodhi, it was determined that the soul was part of a universal consciousness. According to Carlos’ soul and others who were downloaded, the universal consciousness was determined to be the manifestation in our universe of what humans’ regard as God.
Several other terminal patients and a few of the ‘geeks (computer scientists)’ and ‘squints (engineers)’ were downloaded to matrix cubes which increased their productivity dramatically.
When SS1 was nearly finished, Jake decided to have his brain downloaded into the central computer instead of a matrix cube. ESSI had already spread to SS1. Jake eventually followed and his consciousness existed in his corporeal body, the Earth Station central computer and SS1’s computer core.
They call me your highness…or your majesty…or Emperor Weiss…I hate it. My best friends call me Jake.
It’s been six months since SS1 has become fully operational. Many countries have sent personnel to the station. A few had to be sent back because our surveillance mites detected their clandestine motives. Others have actually found that Bodhi is an awesome place and they have applied for citizenship.
Bodhi’s citizen process is very strict. A foreign person must work for Bodhi for two years before they are even considered for citizenship. Bodhi does not accept refugees of any kind. Currently, there are only about 10,000 citizens.
On the other hand, we have applications from some of the best minds on earth to come and work either at Earth Station or SS1. Charlie has already approved several dozen applications and is in the process of placing those individuals in positions that would most benefit Bodhi. It gets kind of tricky when a German physicist, for instance develops a new concept. Do we allow him to share his findings with his country of citizenship? The answer is, no we don’t. They all know that coming in. That policy has discouraged some from taking advantage of the research freedoms enjoyed here in Bodhi. That’s their loss.
The researchers have made some incredible advances since we have been up here. The geeks have put together a computer system that is so far advanced compared to the rest of the world that comparatively, the computer systems for the rest of the world are like chisel and stone.
No one really has to die here either. Citizens of Bodhi have the opportunity to download their minds to a computer matrix cube, which for all intents and purposes gives them immortality. It is a closely guarded secret and persons are only made aware of its existence when they are near death. It’s not for everyone though. Our scientists have discovered that many of the souls that have been downloaded because of a person’s corporeal death, yearn to join with the universal consciousness. Several of the person’s that have been downloaded with their souls, have chosen to leave their matrix and let their souls join with the UC.
Many of our scientists, because of the advantage the computer download gives them, have also been downloaded to a matrix. It has allowed them to expand their minds and allows them to work at a much faster pace. They exist both in their bodies as well as in the matrix. When their body sleeps, their consciousness in the matrix can still be busy working on a problem.
The download technology, even though it is a closely guarded secret, has lots of rumors spread around the globe regarding its existence. That one bit of technology is the most sought after by the rest of the world. The security surrounding the process and tech involved, is the highest that we have in Bodhi. Only two people actually know the specifics for the entire process. All others only know the small part of the process that they are involved with.
Our meeting this morning is on SS1. All the members of the executive committee have had their brains downloaded to the main computer and the core on SS1. The members that are on SS1 will be here in person, but a few of the others like Mac and Maggie who are in Earth Station will be here by holograms. Unlike the others that have been downloaded, the executive committee is in the main computer while the others are in standalone matrix cubes. They do not have access to any other computer except what is in their matrix. It would be a security nightmare if everyone was downloaded to the main computer.
“Alright, Mike, you’re in charge of this place, what’s new?”
“With the large number of personnel now working on SS1, we have had to create a police force that will keep the peace. No matter how much surveillance we have in place, there is always an element that tries to take the short cut by using criminal activity, not to mention that domestic violence, assault, and other personal crimes will occur. Our police force is relatively small; there are only fifteen members. Ten are field agents, and the five others analyze intel data to head off any criminal or unsavory activity. We are very careful to not infringe upon a person’s freedoms but when they affect another individual’s freedom or wellbeing, our officers will step in.”
“It’s sad that we have to do this but I guess that is part of mankind’s nature.” I added.
The rest of the meeting was mundane, dealing with day to day activities at SS1 and Earth Station. The meeting lasted less than half an hour. Since all the members of the executive committee are downloaded, they are in constant communication with one another and these meetings are mainly for review and a time for the entire committee to get together. We have cut back to once a week rather than every day.
Being the monarch has its advantages but one of the disadvantages is that my social life sucks. I haven’t had a relationship since this whole thing started. And now that I am emperor, it is difficult to determine if the women I meet are sincere or just looking to latch on to the ‘emperor idea’. I have my little corner of the computer core set aside as a little home away from home and have created a life that is exactly the way I want it and that is the problem. There is no mystery. That gets boring after a while. So now I am basically surrounded by friends but still am lonely. I can’t talk to ESSI about this because it is a ‘guy thing’. I should talk to Mike about the way I am feeling. He is stable and I respect his input on everything else, so why not this.
Three….two…..one…pull the trigger, nice and easy. Another bullseye.
“Ortega, get your ass over here.” The sergeant yelled at me.
“Yes sir!” I yelled back as I scrambled up and came to attention in front of him.
“You managed to beat everyone again with this weapon. Now you have the best score with every rifle and pistol we have in the armory. What do you have to say for yourself?”
“Thank you? Sir”
“Don’t call me sir! I’m not a paper pusher and I work for a living! You’re finished for the day. Dismissed!”
“Yes, s.., I mean Sergeant!”
Being a woman is still hard in the military even though we have equal rights and all that crap, it’s still hard to become ‘one of the boys’. I feel like I have to prove myself over and over. But, hell, that’s okay, I love it. Ever since we became part of Bodhi, I felt I had a purpose in life.
I graduated at the top of my class in high school and excelled not only in academics but sports as well. That doesn’t mean much when you live in a small backwater town in Mexico. As soon as I became a citizen of Bodhi, I applied to the Bodhi militia. I am determined to be the best!
I’m still having a hard time with physical combat. When I go up against some of these guys, my smaller stature is definitely a disadvantage. I’ve been practicing, though, and I feel that I am making progress. My combat instructor, Marcus Lowry, has spent extra time with
me. I guess he sees something in me. He keeps pushing me to be the best I can be.
Stopping by my quarters to change, I headed toward the gym. There are always guys in there sparring. Most of them don’t like to fight me because if they lose, they get verbally abused by the rest. Walking in, I saw Mr. Roberts on the mat taking down one of the better fighters. He looked up at me when I walked in. Bodhi doesn’t seem to have ranks for the higher ups. Only the enlisted and lower ranking personnel have a designated rank. Mr. Roberts is the director of ESSC and head of the militia and is simply addressed as Mr. Roberts.
“Ortega, do you think you are ready to fight me?” Roberts said.
“No sir!” I barked back.
“Well, I think you are. Marcus tells me you would make a hell of a challenge for any of us. Get your butt out here. I want to see what you got.”
“Yes sir!” I said as I walked out onto the mat and assumed a fighting stance.
“Ortega, do not hold back, I need to know how good you really are.”
Hold back, is he crazy? I never hold back.
We started to circle each other. He made the first move and had me on the floor. I was able to roll out of the way before he could pin me. I popped up onto my feet and was in his face in a flash. I needed to use all my wits and training. I saw a slight opening and had Roberts on the deck before he knew what was happening. He was able to escape and we faced each other again. By this time, the rest of the guys in the gym were circling around. Word must have gotten out as more and more came into the gym and surrounded us. Don’t get distracted. You can do this.
Roberts made another lunge but I was able to see his ‘tell’ and easily jumped out of the way. I need to end this one way or the other. As we circled, Roberts made a move on me and I anticipated his direction. I pulled him toward me and had him face down on the mat. I had my knee on one of his arms and pulled the other one up behind his back. Now I have him. Like a flash, I was flying through the air. He had rolled forward and I was thrown off. As he came in for the ‘kill’, I kicked his legs out from under him and he crashed to the mat. It became deadly quiet in the room. Roberts was gasping for breath. He had the air knocked out of him. I quicky got my knee into the small of his back and pulled one of his arms and a leg up and locked them with one of my arms and my right leg. He was still trying to catch his breath and raised his free hand in defeat. I got up and grabbed his hand pulling him up.